6.4.1 WarnOverwrite
Before starting a download, XDownload checks whether any of the files specified via DestinationN
parameters already exist on the local hard drive. If one or more such files are found,
the following warning is displayed:
This warning can be disabled by setting the WarnOverwrite parameter to False, as follows:
<PARAM NAME="WarnOverwrite" VALUE="False">
6.4.2 CanSelectFolder & Directory
By default, the items on the XDownload list cannot be modified by the user.
If the CanSelectFolder parameter is set to True, the pop-up menu gains another menu item, Select Folder,
which enables the user to select a new destination folder for all items on the list:
<PARAM NAME="CanSelectFolder" VALUE="True">
The Select Folder dialog can be invoked programmatically via the SelectFolder method
regardless of the CanSelectFolder parameter value.
The initial directory for the Select Folder dialog box can optionally be specified via the Directory
parameter, as follows:
<PARAM NAME="Directory" VALUE="c:\My Documents">
This parameter also accepts special keywords designating personal user folders such as
@DESKTOP, @PERSONAL, etc. See Section 3.1
for the full list of supported keywords.
6.4.3 International
XDownload's usage of the International parameter is completely identical to XUpload,
See Section 5.2 for details.
6.4.4 ShowProgress
Just like XUpload, XDownload allows you to disable its default progress bar window
by setting the ShowProgress parameter to False,
and optionally implement a custom progress bar based on the Progress event.
See Section 4.2 for details. Note that XDownload fires the
DownloadProgress event (instead of XUpload's UploadProgress) and there is no WaitingForReply event.
6.4.5 Username & Password
The Username and Password parameters, if specified,
are passed to the server from which a download is attempted.
This is useful if the download URLs are protected with basic authentication.
The specified Username/Password information is shared by all the URLs on the list.
6.4.6 Authorization
The Authorization parameter may not be as useful in XDownload
as it is in XUpload, but has been implemented nonetheless.
See Section 3.3 for usage information.
6.4.7 RegKey
The usage of the RegKey parameter is identical to that in XUpload.
The same registration key, if available, should be used in both controls.
See Section 1.5 for details.